Oregon State University Corvallis has finished the process of developing a comprehensive built environment accessibility improvement plan, and is now in the implementation phase. A major facet of this plan is to assess the physical facilities of the Corvallis campus, regardless of when constructed, using the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and consideration and use of universal design principles. In doing so, OSU is choosing a higher than minimal legal standard.
The assessment project started with a first phase in Spring 2011 that focused on exterior facilities, including:
- paths of travel,
- ramps,
- parking,
- transportation,
- exterior signage, and
- estimated cost ranges for the improvements recommended.
Every year since the exterior assessment was complete, reviews and evaluations have focused on interior building environments, such as building entries, restrooms, classrooms, interior signage and other spaces. The interior assessment phase wrapped up in fall 2019.
All of this work has helped Oregon State University develop criteria to implement improvements that preserve the heritage of the buildings included in the University Historic District while at the same time developing as accessible of a university campus as possible. Another main goal is to provide guidance to OSU related to implementing standards, development of best practice standards, and/or universal design principles and standards for existing and new campus facilities and buildings.
If you are interested in the progress of the reports and improvements to campus, visit this site regularly. All completed reports are listed below. Construction to remedy barriers identified throughout the reports will be updated, as possible, on the recent events webpage on this site.
Exterior Accessibility Assessment Report
The first phase of the project, the exterior assessment, has been completed. The reports are available below.
This first report consists of only the narrative of the report, without the barrier data records. This is a much smaller report and provides an introduction, methodology, executive summary and suggested standards. This information is also in the full reports listed below.
Additionally, three reports have been produced by the consultant. The reports consist of two main sections, the narrative and the "Barrier Data Records" that catalog each barrier that the consultant has identified through their assessment. The only difference between the three are the maps showing barriers by either barrier severity or priority and how the "Barrier Data Records" are organized, the written report - the first 43 pages - are the same in each version. These reports are very large (around 2500 pages, and 40MB a file), so they may take a while to download. The three reports are as follows, according to "Barrier Data Records":
- Organized A-Z by location (PDF)
(Adams Hall - Women's Bldg) - Organized according to consultant barrier severity rating (PDF)
(1 Necessary, 2 Recommended, 3 Hindrance, 4 Low Severity, 5 Technically Infeasible) - Organized according to consultant recommended priorities for removal (PDF)
(Priority 1-4)
More information on the meaning of "barrier severity rating" and "priority" can be found in the report.
Interior Accessibility Assessment Reports
The second phase of the project, the interior assessments, has been completed. The reports are available below.
The first report consists of only the general narrative report, applicable to each building report that follows. This report provides an introduction, methodology, executive summary and other standard language. Note that the name of the office receiving these reports changed in 2016 from the Office of Equity and Inclusion to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access.
- General Introduction to Interior Reports (PDF)
- Agriculture and Life Sciences Hall (PDF)
- Arnold Dining Center (PDF)
- Ballard Extension Hall (PDF)
- Batcheller Hall (PDF)
- Bates Hall (PDF)
- Benton Annex (PDF)
- Benton Hall (PDF)
- Bexel Hall (PDF)
- Burt Hall (PDF)
- Child Care Center (PDF)
- Cordley Hall (PDF)
- Covell Hall (PDF)
- Crop Science Building (PDF)
- Dearborn Hall (PDF)
- Dixon Rec Center (PDF)
- Dryden Hall (PDF)
- Fairbanks Hall (PDF)
- Gilbert Addition (PDF)
- Gilbert Hall (PDF)
- Gilkey Hall (PDF)
- Gill Coliseum (PDF)
- Gilmore Hall (PDF)
- Gleeson Hall (PDF)
- Goss Stadium (PDF)
- Graf Hall (PDF)
- Hovland Hall (PDF)
- Kerr Administration Building (PDF)
- Kidder Hall (PDF)
- Langton Hall (PDF)
- LaSells Stewart Center (PDF)
- Magruder Hall (PDF)
- Marketplace West Dining Center (PDF)
- McNary Dining Center (PDF)
- Merryfield Hall (PDF)
- Milam Hall (PDF)
- Moreland Hall (PDF)
- Nash Hall (PDF)
- Owen Hall (PDF)
- Pharmacy Building (PDF)
- Plageman Student Health Center (PDF)
- Reser Stadium (PDF)
- Richardson Hall (PDF)
- Rogers Hall (PDF)
- Snell Hall (PDF)
- University Plaza (PDF)
- Valley Library (PDF)
- Waldo Hall (PDF)
- Weatherford Hall (PDF)
- Weniger Hall (PDF)
- Wiegand Hall (PDF)
- Wilkinson Hall (PDF)
- Withycombe Hall (PDF)
- Women's Building (PDF)